
The website www.meetinglinq.com and all parts related to it, excluding some links and hyperlinks, are owned by MeetingLinq B.V.. It is prohibited to save and/or copy any parts from the website and use them for private or public purposes without written permission from MeetingLinq B.V..

The information provided on this website is regularly being updated and adjusted by MeetingLinq B.V. However it is possible that some information that is published might be incomplete and/or incorrect. All the images used are product examples and could vary slightly from the actual product. All the prices that are listed are excluding VAT.

MeetingLinq B.V. holds the right to change the information, images and prices on the website without any notice.

The website contains links and hyperlinks that lead to other websites, which are not owned by MeetingLinq B.V. and are not maintained by us. These links are only here to provide the visitor with information. While MeetingLinq B.V. always carefully selects their links and hyperlinks, we cannot be held responsible for the information provided or the user friendliness, quality and products provided on the site. 
